история войн и военных конфликтов

Джон Барратт - библиография

Джон Барратт много писал об истории английского шестнадцатого и семнадцатого веков, особенно о сухопутной и морской войне того периода. В основном его творчество посвящено событиям Английских гражданских войн 1640-х годов. Только три работы из 27 выбиваются из этой темы: битва при Шрубери 1403, Армада 1588 и битвы новой смуты 1689-1692 годов.

Основное творчество Бэррета подразделяется на подтемы. Войскам роялистов посвящены восемь работ. Осадам замков и городов - пять работ. Битвам - десять работ.

В списке две статьи, четыре работы в English Civil War battles series, а больше всего в серии Century of the soldier, 1618-1721 - шесть выпусков (включая переиздание).

Barratt John 'A Rabble of Gentility': The Royalist Northern Horse, 1644-45 - Helion, 2017 (Century of the soldier, 1618-1721 #21)

Barratt John A Royalist Account of the Relief of Pontefract, 1st March 1645 \\ Society for Army Historical Research, 1975

Barratt John Armada 1588: The Spanish Assault on England - Pen and Sword, 2006 (Campaign Chronicles)

Barratt John Battles for the Three Kingdoms: The Campaigns for England, Scotland and Ireland 1689-92 - History Press, 2007

Barratt John Better Begging Than Fighting: The Royalist Army in Exile in the War Against Cromwell 1656-1660 - Helion, 2016 (Century of the soldier, 1618-1721 #7)

Barratt John Cavalier Capital: Oxford in the English Civil War 1642-1646 - Helion, 2021 (Century of the soldier, 1618-1721 #73), 2015 (Century of the soldier, 1618-1721 #3)

Barratt John Cavalier Generals: King Charles I & His Commanders in the English Civil War 1642-46 - Pen and Sword, 2004

Barratt John Cavalier Stronghold: Ludlow in the English Civil Wars, 1642-1660 - Logaston Press, 2013

Barratt John Cavaliers: The Royalist Army at War, 1642-1646 - Sutton Pub., 2000

Barratt John "Civil War Stronghold": Beeston Castle at War, 1642-45 - Caracole Press, 1995

Barratt John Cromwell's Wars at Sea - Pen and Sword, 2006

Barratt John English Civil War - History Press Limited, 1986

Barratt John Siege of Liverpool and the Lancashire Campaign 1644 - Stuart Press, 1994 (English Civil War battles series)

Barratt John Sieges of the English Civil Wars - Casemate Publishers, 2009

Barratt John The Battle of Langport, 1645 - Stuart Press, 1995 (English Civil War battles series)

Barratt John The Battle of Marston Moor - History Press, 2008 (Sutton Series)

Barratt John The Battle of Nantwich, 1644 - Stuart Press, 1993 (English Civil War battles series)

Barratt John The Battle of Rowton Heath, 1645 \\ Society for Army Historical Research, 1976

Barratt John The Battle of Rowton Heath 1645 and the Siege of Chester - Stuart Press, 1994 (English Civil War battles series)

Barratt John The Civil War in the South-West - Casemate Publishers, 2005 (Battlefield Britain)

Barratt John The First Battle of Newbury - Tempus, 2005 (Revealing history)

Barratt John The Great Siege of Chester - Tempus, 2003

Barratt John The King's Irish: The Royalist Anglo-Irish Foot of the English Civil War - Helion, 2019 (Century of the soldier, 1618-1721 #49)

Barratt John The Last Army: The Battle of Stow-on-the-Wold and the End of the Civil War in the Welsh Marches, 1646 - Helion, 2018 (Century of the soldier, 1618-1721 #24)

Barratt John The Second Battle of Newbury - Amberley Publishing, 2014 (Amberley Series)

Barratt John War for the Throne: The Battle of Shrewsbury, 1403 - Casemate Publishers, 2010 (Campaign Chronicles)

Barratt John Wilmot's Victory: The Battle of Roundway Down, 13th July 1643 - Miniature Wargames, 1994